To all the so-called 'agnostics' out there: Stop hiding. You want to hide behind your assertion that there's something out there that may have created everything around you but he/she/it is to vast or distant to be known. Your life betrays you: you believe that there IS no god in your world. You're honestly going to hang
eternity on a declaration that god is unknowable? A declaration that you wholeheartedly subscribe to with little to no research? If you honestly believed that you'd face something or someone after your death I dare think that you would spend at least a few years of the 80 or so you've been granted trying to find out what he/she/it is and what they/it want from you. Give up the charade. You're an athiest but you want to hide by claiming ignorance. You don't believe in god. If you did, you would try and find him. You are without excuse, and when you meet God you will have nothing to fall back on. How do you think that conversation is going to go?? (If there in fact was to be a conversation, which there won't be)
"Well you see God, I just figured you're so darn big that there's no way to understand or find you so I lived as if you didn't exist. But we're cool right?"
You can postulate on your own as to what God's response would be.
And the same goes for the "Christians" out there who live in the same way. I am not blameless in this regard and I'm not sure anyone truly is, but if your life revolves around anything other than Christ and Him crucified you have big problems. Here's another version of the same hypothetical conversation that will never be:
"Lord! I went to church every Sunday (except for sometimes in the summer and when I went snowboarding) and I even read my Bible here and there. Plus I prayed! Well... mostly just when I wanted something but still."
Again - I'll leave you to figure out how that conversation would end - especially since Jesus will turn away some that 'cast out demons', 'prophesied', and 'did mighty works' in His name. (Matt 7:22)
I'm not suggesting that you work for your salvation. I'm not suggesting you have anything to do with it. God is the only one saving you if in fact you are being saved. But I am suggesting that the God of the Bible is a big deal. You cannot with any kind of assurance consider yourself saved unless there is significant things going on in your life that cannot be explained by anything other than having your old, busted, dirty, wicked heart ripped out of your chest and replaced with something new.
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." (2Co 5:17 ESV)
Are you a new creation?? Or just the same old creation with a little "christianity" sprinkled on top to give you that feeling of being ok with God just enough to ease your fear? You CAN NOT be a Christian and not have your entire set of affections changed. You cannot serve two masters.
"whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God." (Jam 4:4 ESV)
Enemy of God. Sound like somewhere you want to be? I sure don't. And how much friendship with the world are we guilty of? Are we enemies of the Most High?
Time to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. High time.
The days ARE evil.
PS: I should clarify. To the agnostics who are really athiests and the 'true' athiests out there - You believe there is no God but deep down there is a sneaky suspicion that there is. That is why you want to hide behind agnosticism, or live as an 'athiest' but with a certain semblance of moral conviction. You say there is no god and yet you want to hold to a cmoral ode that is not anywhere near as self-seeking as it should be if you truly deeply with every inch of your being bought the lie. God is. It is revealed in creation and it is revealed inside all of you. Once again - you are without excuse.